nsswitch.conf(4)                                              nsswitch.conf(4)

     nsswitch.conf - name service configuration file

     /etc/nsswitch.conf, /var/ns/domains/*/nsswitch.conf

     This file controls the behavior of the name service daemon nsd(1M).  It
     is read by the daemon on startup and is used to build a filesystem
     maintained by nsd typically mounted on /ns.  The paths are of the format
     /ns/domain/table/protocol/key.  Each nsswitch.conf file results in a
     domain directory under /ns.  The /etc/nsswitch.conf file corresponds to
     /ns/.local, while each file in /var/ns/domains/DOMAINNAME/nsswitch.conf
     will result in a directory /ns/DOMAINNAME.

     The file contains a list of maps supported by the daemon and a list of
     protocols to use to obtain data for each map.  Anything following the
     comment character '#' will be ignored.  Each line represents a different
     map (or a domain wide attribute list, see below).  It contains the name
     of the map (or an alias, see below), followed by a list of protocols to
     be used in the order in which they should be called:
          map: protocol1 protocol2 protocol3 ... protocolN
     Each of these items can include any character but '/' up to 255
     characters.  If they include whitespace then they should be quoted using
     the double-quote character '"'.

     The default list of protocols that are supported via shared libraries

     files       Traditional text files from /etc

     dns         Domain name service.

     ldap        Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 2.

     mdbm        Mdbm database format files.

     ndbm        Ndbm database format files.

     db          Berkeley db database format files.

     nis         Network Information Services (formerly YP) client.  This is
                 an optional product.

     nisserv     Network Information Services (formerly YP) server.  This is
                 an optional product.

     Any standard map that does not have a configuration entry in
     nsswitch.conf will be assigned a default value.  Aliases for the standard
     maps exist to simplify the file.  If a well known tabled is not listed in
     the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, a default value is used.  The maps, aliases,
     and defaults are:

     aliases     for mail.aliases and mail.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    aliases(null_extend_key): ndbm(file=/etc/aliases) nis

     automount   for autofs maps. See autofs(1M).
                 Default value is:
                    automount(dynamic): nis(nis_enumerate_key)

     capability  for capability.byname
                 Default value is:
                    capability: files nis

     clearance   for clearance.byname
                 Default value is:
                    clearance: files nis

     ethers      for ethers.byname and ethers.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    ethers: files nis

     group       for group.byname and group.bygid
                 Default value is:
                    group: files nis

     hosts       for hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    hosts: nis dns files

     ipnodes     for ipnodes.byname and ipnodes.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    ipnodes: dns files

     mac         for mac.byname and mac.byvalue
                 Default value is:
                    mac: files nis

     mail        for mail.aliases and mail.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    aliases(null_extend_key): ndbm(file=/etc/aliases) nis

     netgroup    for netgroup.byname, netgroup.byhost and netgroup.byuser
                 Default value is:
                    netgroup: nis

     networks    for networks.byname and networks.byaddr
                 Default value is:
                    networks: files nis

     passwd      for passwd.byname and passwd.byuid
                 Default value is:
                    passwd: files(compat) [notfound=return] nis

     protocols   for protocols.byname and protocols.bynumber
                 Default value is:
                    protocols: nis [success=return] files

     rpc         for rpc.byname and rpc.bynumber
                 Default value is:
                    rpc: files nis

     services    for services.byname and services.byport
                 Default value is:
                    services: files nis

     shadow      for shadow.byname
                 Default value is:
                    shadow(mode=0700): files

     The daemon uses extended attributes attached to each object in the tree
     to control the behavior of lookups.  An attribute is specified by a key
     and value pair list in parenthesis:
          (key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3)
     A set of global attributes can be given to nsd on the command line see
     nsd(1M).  Attributes on the domain are given on a line of their own
     anywhere in the nsswitch.conf file.  Attributes on the map are given
     immediately following the map on a line, and attributes on the protocol
     are given immediately following the protocol name on a line.  Attributes
     are inherited from above, so if an attribute does not exist on a protocol
     then it is inherited from the attribute list on the map, and if it does
     not exist on the map then it is inherited from the domain, and if not
     from the domain then from the global attributes.  If the value is not
     specified then it is considered a boolean true.  All keys and values are
     strings, but may be interpreted internally as numbers or boolean values.
          (key1=value1, key2=value2)
          map1(key1=value1, key3=value3): protocol1(key1=value1) \

     Most of the attributes are protocol specific and are listed in the manual
     page for each attribute.  Those attributes that are global in meaning are
     listed in the nsd(1M) manual page.

     A control can be placed between any two protocols on the line.  The
     control is a state control pair in a set of square brackets.  These are
     used to force non-standard behavior in a file.  The states are one of
     success, notfound, unavail, tryagain and noperm.  The controls are return
     and continue:
          map: protocol1 protocol2 [state=control] protocol3
     A partial example configuration using attributes and controls is:

               hosts: files(timeout=1000) dns
               passwd(timeout=10): files(compat) [notfound=return] nis
               phone: files(filename=/usr/local/phone, separator=":")

     This sets a default cache file timeout of 100 seconds for the domain
     represented by this file.  The domain contains five maps hosts.byname,
     hosts.byaddr, passwd.byname, passwd.byuid and phone.  Entries in the
     hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr maps are identical. First nsd looks in a
     local ASCII file, then it calls out to a dns server which answers for the
     domain (as specified in the dns configuration file /etc/resolv.conf, see
     resolver(4)).  Host entries looked up in the local file are given a
     longer cache timeout of 1000 seconds.  The passwd.byname and passwd.byuid
     maps are identical.  First nsd will look in the local ASCII file then it
     will call out to an nis server answering for this domain.  If the key
     does not exist in the local file then we force nsd to return immediately
     without ever calling out the nis.  However, the files library is given
     the "compat" flag which will cause it to expand +/- escapes for password
     lookups using the following libraries.  Thus, every user must exist in
     the local passwd file, but if a +/- escape exists for them in the file
     the nis protocol is used to expand it. The phone map is a non-standard
     map.  The data is kept in a simple ASCII file /usr/local/phone of the
     format "key:data". For the local domain /etc/nsswitch.conf if required
     tables are missing then the nsd daemon will add the table with default
     values.  If you wish to override this behavior then you should add a line
     for the table with no protocols, such as:
     After editing any nsswitch.conf file the nsd daemon must be sent a SIGHUP
     signal to reread the configuration.  You can do this by running killall
     -HUP nsd.  This will not change the contents of the system wide cache.
     To restart nsd and clear the cache use the nsadmin restart command.

     The following shows how to set an attribute for any level in the /ns

     global  Set attributes in the /ns namespace via the -a nsd command line

     domain  Set attributes in the /ns/DOMAIN namespace by using
             (attribute=value) by itself in the domain's nsswitch.conf file.

     table (map)
             Set attributes in the /ns/DOMAIN/TABLE namespace by appending
             (attribute=value) to the name of the TABLE before the colon.

             Set attributes for in the /ns/DOMAIN/TABLE/PROTOCOL namespace by
             appending (attribute=value) to the name of the PROTOCOL library.

     single key
             Set attributes in for /ns/DOMAIN/TABLE/[PROTOCOL/]/key by
             appending (attribute=value) to the name of the key when accessing
             the file via the libc interfaces or inside of the /ns filesystem.

     Most versions of sendmail do not use UNS to resolve aliases lookups. You
     may have to modify /etc/aliases or /etc/sendmail.cf to get sendmail to
     resolv aliases via NIS or nsd.

     /etc/nsswitch.conf, /var/ns/domains/*/nsswitch.conf

     nsd(1M), nsadmin(1M) nis(7P), nisserv(7P), dns(7P), files(7P), mdbm(7P),

     IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail

     IRIX Admin: NFS and NIS

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