ldap.conf(4)                                                      ldap.conf(4)

     ldap.conf - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol configuration file


     This file controls the behavior of the Lightweight Directory Access
     Protocol (LDAP) client implementation for nsd.  It is read by the
     initialization routine of the ldap(7P) library when the nsd daemon is
     started, or sent the SIGHUP signal.  This file contains information about
     remote LDAP daemons database schemas, and format rules.

     The file is made up of comment lines, table entries, server entries and
     the domain command.  Comment lines begin with either a '#' or a ';'
     character, and are ignored by the parser.  Table entries begin with the
     keyword table followed by the name of the table, and a series of
     attributes.  Table entries are separated by one or more blank lines.
     Server entries begin with the keyword server, and are followed by a
     series of attributes.  Server entries are separated by one or more blank

     domain [domainname]
          The domain command changes the domain context.  Each of the
          following entries and command lines set information for this domain.
          If the domainname is not given then it sets the context for the
          default, or null, domain.

     server hostname[:port]
          A given domain may specify one or more LDAP servers to send requests
          to.  hostname refers to the hostname of the LDAP server.  The
          hostname may be given directly as an IP address.  If no port number
          is given, the default LDAP port (389) is assumed.  The attribute,
          attribute value pairs following the server keyword define attributes
          for a particular server.  Attributes include:

          base    Defines the distinguished name (dn) of the base for the LDAP
          scope   Defines the depth used in searching for LDAP entries.  The
                  value may be one of the following: subtree - will search all
                  entries below the base (default), onelevel - will search one
                  level below base, and sbase - will search only at the base
          binddn  Specifies the distinguished name used in binding to the
                  server.  This attribute is optional.
          bindpwd Specifies the password used in binding to the server.  This
                  attribute is also optional.

     regsub attribute {regex} {substitutions}
          The regsub command causes the results of lookups of the LDAP
          attribute named by attribute, which have a value that matches the
          regular expression regex, to have the matched portion of their value

          substituted according to the expression substitution.

          regex accepts the regular expression syntax described in regex(3G)
          with the exception that the '}' character must be back-quoted in
          order to be accepted as part of the regular expression.

          substitution is a string which will replace the portion of value of
          attribute that was matched by regex. If the '&' character appears in
          substitution, it will be replaced by the entire matched substring.
          If substitution contains any of the variable names \1...\9, the
          variable name will be replaced by the corresponding parethesized
          grouping from the match made against regex. If there is no group
          corresponding to the variable \n, a literal n is produced. Each of
          the special characters that denote substitution expansion variables
          can be produced literally by back-quoting them.

          If more that one regsub command is specified for the same attribute,
          each is applied in turn until a successful substitution can be made.
          If no substitutions can be made, the value is passed through

     table tablename
          The table entries define the way in which the LDAP library responds
          to a particular request from the nsd daemon. tablename defines the
          name of the map requested. The attribute list must include the
          following three items:

                  Defines the LDAP filter used for lookup type searches made
                  against this map. The filter may contain one (or more)
                  strings "%s" which will be replaced by the key requested (or
                  a split of the key, split by the characters ",", "/" or
                  Defines the LDAP filter used for list type searches made
                  against this map.
          format  Defines the way in which LDAP responses are formatted into
                  output strings.  Alphanumeric strings conforming to the LDAP
                  attribute protocol are replaced by server responses for that
                  attribute.  If an attribute is placed inside of brackets,
                  and followed by a separator (eg. (MEMBERUID,)+), then
                  multiple responses of that attribute will be added to the
                  output string.  If the special string "KEY" is used in the
                  format attribute, this string will be replaced with the key
                  requested by the nsd daemon.

     In addition, the attribute list may optionally contain any of the
     following items:

          require attribute
                  The argument to the require keyword is the name of an LDAP
                  attribute that appears in a format string.  A output string

                  will be included in the library response only if the value
                  of the corresponding attribute is non-null after any
                  applicable regsub expansions have been performed.
          default In the case of a split key (i.e. two substitutions in the
                  filter), the second substitution may be given a default
                  value with this attribute.
                  If this tag is set, multiple entries returned for a
                  particular query will be placed on a single output line.
                  The value for this tag may be null.  If it is not null, the
                  value is interpreted as a prefix string conforming to the
                  format syntax defined above.  This string will be placed
                  before the formatted output corresponding to individual LDAP

     Part of an example ldap.conf file follow, demonstrating the domain
     command, server and table entries:

     domain  foo.com

     server  test.foo.com:390
     base    "o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
     binddn  "cn=root, o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
     bindpwd secret

     table   group.byname
     filter  (&(OBJECTCLASS=POSIXGROUP)(CN=%s))


     nsd(1M), ldap(7P), regex(3G)

     IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail

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